Partners and Sponsors

yet2 is an open innovation consulting company and technology marketplace that aims to foster global collaboration, increasing the discovery and commercialization of new technologies for the benefit of all. As a Power Connector, yet2 will help facilitate connections between individual competitors and focus on working directly with individual competing teams, identifying gaps in expertise, and making connections to other organizations that can help to fill in those gaps.

Wave Venture
Wave Venture is a wave energy consultancy and software company, specializing in all aspects of wave energy design and engineering—including flexible materials and distributed embedded energy conversion. The company is experienced in application of TRIZ tools to wave energy and developed a FlexWEC™ software that provides a hydro-elastic analysis package tailored to analysis of flexible structures in waves. Wave Venture also developed new software for techno-economic analysis of offshore renewable energy farms with a whole-system, whole-lifecycle approach to assessing and optimizing economic and operational feasibility of offshore renewable energy farms.

Ramboll is a multidisciplinary consulting company who can help identify synergies between offshore oil and gas, fixed and floating wind relevant for wave and tidal energy. The mentor for this competition is Ramboll's wave energy expert, Kim Nielsen, with more than 40 years' experience in Wave Energy Systems. Kim holds a Ph.D. in Wave Power Conversion from 1979 from Danish Technical University, he developed and tested wave energy converters in the North Sea, is Danish Alternate to OES since it started in 2001 which gives him an excellent overview of both Danish and international Wave Energy activities. Further, Kim participates in the development of standards under IEC TC 116 on Ocean Energy.

ADL Ventures
ADL Ventures focuses on developing and deploying new services and products on behalf of legacy-sector corporations. In addition to deep expertise in energy and sustainability and backgrounds in clean-tech companies, several members of the ADL Ventures team have founded, led, and raised money for startups in the energy and sustainability space. As a Power Connector, ADL Ventures will help build a network for teaming support. ADL Ventures will also engage with teams to guide them on developing successful concepts for the prize.