
Vouchers provide access to world-class U.S. Department of Energy laboratory facilities, offering opportunities to collaborate with some of the nation’s top scientists and researchers.

Successful applicants redeem vouchers at specific laboratories to advance their technologies. Among the benefits, vouchers enable speedy access to scientists and researchers, specialized equipment or software, data analysis, simulation or modeling, testing and validation, and other consulting that can help take an innovation to the next level.

Many American-Made prizes and competitions offer vouchers in addition to cash incentives. American-Made has also offered its first Open Voucher Call, which allowed innovators to directly compete for a voucher based on their technology interests.

Map of the United States pinpointing the 17 national laboratories: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Washington); Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (California); Idaho National Laboratory (Idaho); National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Colorado); Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico); Ames Laboratory (Iowa); Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory (Illinois); National Energy Technology Laboratory (Pennsylvania); Brookhaven National Laboratory (New York); Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (New Jersey); Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Virginia); Savannah River National Laboratory (South Carolina); and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tennessee).

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