The Manufacture of Advanced Key Energy Infrastructure Technologies (MAKE IT) Prize will make approximately $30 million in total funding available to catalyze domestic manufacturing of critical energy technology components, moving manufacturing facilities from planning to shovel-ready and enabling strategies for vibrant manufacturing activity in communities.
Prize Overview
The energy sector is rapidly evolving to meet the growing demand for reliable energy, which creates an opportunity to invest in the domestic manufacturing base and strengthen our energy supply chains. Resilient, secure, and robust supply chains and domestic manufacturing capabilities will help maximize the benefits of federal investments in domestic energy and provide economic opportunity for all Americans.
To achieve these goals, the Department of Energy intends to announce the MAKE IT Prize. Through two distinct tracks, the MAKE IT Prize will award approximately $30 million to promote and enable domestic manufacturing of critical energy technology components while engaging communities to catalyze manufacturing activity at the regional level.

MAKE IT Prize Facilities Track

The Facilities Track aims to accelerate manufacturing plant development by moving manufacturing facilities from planning to shovel-ready. The track invites entities committed to manufacturing to develop and demonstrate credible plans for establishing manufacturing facilities for specific critical energy technology components and/or processes. This track helps establish a robust, secure domestic supply chain for components deemed necessary for the commercialization of innovative energy technologies, including components related to hydrogen, long duration energy storage, the electric grid, and carbon capture.
For more information, visit the official prize page and review the recording of the Facilities Track informational webinar.
MAKE IT Prize Strategies Track

The Strategies Track seeks to promote interest and engagement around critical energy technology manufacturing. The track asks competitors to develop a roadmap for promoting energy technology manufacturing activity in their region. This can include components such as workforce development programs, customized business services for manufacturers, or other opportunities to make the region attractive for manufacturers and their employees.
For more information, visit the official prize page and review the recording of the Strategies Track informational webinar.
Who is Eligible to Compete?
The Facilities Track is open to U.S.-based entities interested in establishing a manufacturing plant for one of several eligible critical energy technology components as described in the official rules document. The Strategies Track is open to U.S.-based entities working to promote manufacturing activity, economic development, growth, and quality of life in their region or community. More information can be found in the official rules document.
Solutions that help shape the future
Ready to make your community the next energy technology manufacturing hub? Join the challenge by following the MAKE IT Prize Facilities Track and MAKE IT Prize Strategies Track on HeroX, the official prize platform.