L-Prize: Manufacturing & Installation Phase

L-Prize Manufacturing & Installation Phase

The Manufacturing and Installation Phase is the third and final phase of the L-Prize. In this phase, DOE will reward production and installation of products meeting the L-Prize technical requirements. Up to four competitors earning the most points based on innovation, U.S. content, production, and installation will share an award of $10 million.

The Manufacturing and Installation Phase will recognize teams that are able to translate innovations inspired by the L-Prize to market availability and installation. Like the Prototype Phase, the Manufacturing and Installation Phase has two separate tracks: the Luminaire Track and the Connected Systems Track. Competitors may submit an entry for either track or separate entries for both tracks. Participation in the prior Concept and Prototype phases is not required to be eligible for this final phase of the L-Prize.

All entries in this phase must meet the minimum technical requirements and be fully commercially available and physically installed in real-world applications that demonstrate benefits ranging from energy efficiency and lighting quality to connectivity and sustainability. New aspects are incorporated into this phase where competitors will be evaluated beyond technical performance and innovation to include U.S. manufacturing content, deployment strategy, and innovative “as-a-service” installation models that may include ongoing system optimization, upgrade, and/or recycling at end of life.

Anyone Can Compete

The U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Office invites participation from any entrepreneurial individuals or teams legally residing or based in the United States. Competitors can be individuals of one or multiple organizations, students, university faculty members, small business owners, researchers, or anyone with the desire and drive to transform an idea into an impactful solution.

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