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2024 Renew America’s Schools Prize logo

2024 Renew America’s Schools Prize

Funding energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at public K-12 schools to lower energy costs and improve indoor air quality.

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About the Prize

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) launched the $500 million Renew America’s Schools Program to promote the implementation of clean energy improvements at K-12 public schools across the country. This first-of-its-kind investment, funded by President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), aims to help school communities make energy upgrades that will decrease energy use and cost, improve indoor air quality, and foster healthier learning environments.

The Renew America’s Schools program launched its first round of funding in 2022 and has since invested $182.5 million in public school districts across America. The $4.5 million Energy CLASS Prize (2022–2024) helped Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) build capacity for energy management and prepare to implement energy-infrastructure upgrades. The $178 million Renew America’s Schools grant (2022–2024) funded clean energy and energy efficiency upgrades at over 90 school facilities in 22 states—directly benefiting more than 74,000 students and 5,000 teachers.

The 2024 Renew America’s Schools Prize launches a prize-to-cooperative-agreement funding model to streamline the application process and provide LEAs earlier and more targeted support. Like the 2022 Renew America’s Schools grant, the 2024 Renew America’s Schools Prize will fund energy-efficient and clean energy infrastructure improvements at school districts across America.

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DOE is now accepting submissions for the 2024 Renew America’s Schools Prize, a three-phase funding opportunity that will help districts build capacity, perform energy audits and implement energy improvement projects across a portfolio of school facilities. During Phase 1: Prize, competitors will build teams and curate lists of at least 10 schools and school facilities that demonstrate compelling need and eligibility for investment. Phase 1 winners will earn a cash prize of $300,000 and move on to Phases 2 and 3: Cooperative Agreement, during which they will be invited to negotiate a cooperative agreement with DOE for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at public K-12 schools.

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Prize Structure

  1. Establish the need for both energy improvements and financing across the proposed portfolio.
  2. Demonstrate overall team capacity to manage projects across the portfolio.
  3. Propose a comprehensive plan for executing Phase 2 (energy auditing and design) activities.
  4. Engage in replicable, strategic partnerships to build capacity at LEAs/across the K-12 sector, while leveraging funds to enhance the impact of federal dollars.
  5. Establish a strategic approach to delivering community benefits that advance the following goals: 
    • Community and labor engagement.
    • Investing in job quality and workforce continuity.
    • Advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA).
    • Contributing to the Justice40 Initiative.

If you would like to receive updates on the prize or have questions, please follow this HeroX page and or email us directly at

Important Dates

Submission deadline: June 13, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET

All dates are subject to change including contest openings, deadlines, and announcements.

Follow the 2024 Renew America’s Schools Prize on HeroX to receive updates on any changes and register for upcoming informational webinars.

Who is Eligible to Compete?

For a complete list of the eligibility requirements, please read the Official Rules Document on HeroX. Eligible entities must include one local educational agency (LEA) and one or more:

  • Schools
  • Non-profit organizations that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements
  • For-profit organizations that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements
  • Community partners that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements.

Ready to Get Started?

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