H2Os Prize: Phase One

H2Os Prize Results

Phase Two | Phase One

Congratulations, Phase Three Winners

Team HydroFlex
Salt Lake City, Utah

Team HydroFlex, led by Masood Parvania at the University of Utah and Grid Elevated, was awarded the $30,000 first place prize.

MST Power
Rolla, Missouri

MST Power, led by Rui Bo at Missouri University of Science and Technology, was awarded $10,000.

Vassar Labs Inc.
Woburn, Massachusetts

Vassar Labs Inc., led by Laxmiprasad Putta, was awarded $10,000.

Congratulations, Phase Two Winners

Team HydroFlex
Salt Lake City, Utah

Team HydroFlex, led by Alex Farley at the University of Utah, was awarded the $7,500 first place prize.

Vassar Labs Inc.
Woburn, Massachusetts

Vassar Labs Inc., led by Laxmiprasad Putta, was awarded $1,500.

Wenyuan Tang
Raleigh, North Carolina

Wenyuan Tang at North Carolina State University was awarded $1,500.

Maroon 3
Starkville, Mississippi

Maroon 3, led by Sungkwang Mun at Mississippi State University, was awarded $1,500.

MST Power
Rolla, Missouri

MST Power, led by Rui Bo at Missouri University of Science and Technology, was awarded $1,500.

Rick Matter
Macedon, New York

Rick Matter was awarded $1,500.

Congratulations, Phase One Winners

Team HydroFlex
Salt Lake City, Utah

Team HydroFlex, led by Alex Farley at the University of Utah, was awarded the $3,000 first place prize for Phase One.

Houston, Texas

Hydrophile, led by Kirinina von Slomski, was awarded $1,000.

Littoral Power Systems
New Bedford, Massachussetts

Littoral Power Systems, led by David Duquette, was awarded $1,000.

Maroon 3
Starkville, Mississippi

Maroon 3, led by Sungkwang Mun at Mississippi State University, was awarded $1,000.

MST Power
Rolla, Missouri

MST Power, led by Rui Bo at Missouri University of Science and Technology, was awarded $1,000.

Vassar Labs Inc.
Woburn, Massachusetts

Vassar Labs Inc., led by Laxmiprasad Putta, was awarded $1,000.

Wenyuan Tang
Raleigh, North Carolina

Wenyuan Tang at North Carolina State University was awarded $1,000.

Yul Young Park
Austin, Texas

Yul Young Park was awarded $1,000.

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