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Geothermal Manufacturing Prize

The American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize (Geothermal Prize) is designed to spur innovation and address manufacturing challenges fundamental to operating in harsh geothermal environments. This prize further supports the ability of the geothermal industry to reach the target of 60 GWe of geothermal capacity by 2050 as outlined in the recently released GeoVision study.

Semifinalist Video Series The American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing

Prize semifinalist teams have been working diligently over the past several months preparing their technologies for the next milestone: creating a prototype ahead of Make! Demo Day. Since learning of their status as Set! Contest semifinalists in March 2021, these nine teams have been fabricating prototypes of their additive manufacturing designs, identifying Geo! partner(s), and using continual customer and stakeholder feedback to substantially advance their prototype. Now, these innovators are sharing a glimpse at their technologies.

The prize team invites friends, family, peers, industry experts, and anyone interested in geothermal and additive manufacturing to learn more about each innovation by watching the videos below.

Team Profiles and Videos

Details on the Round 4 semifinalist teams and their technologies can be found below. View each team's video pitch, listed in alphabetical order. Contact details for each team is also available for those who are interested in reaching out for more information.